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January 8, 2007 11:05 AM

The equipment
makes the
__We at Power Steam® think you should go with the best on the market. How are we the best? The RX-20, powered by a separate truck mounted 25hp unit, the RX-20 will clean the most heavily soiled areas. With 5 powerful heads rotating over the carpet, flushing and removing deeply embedded soil from all sides of the carpet fiber the end results is a fluffy rejuvenated carpet. Give us a call for a no obligation estimate. Remember don't buy a new carpet, renew. It's a lot less expensive and you'll be pleased with the results!

Check out
this Sucker!!!
__Meet the HydroX; a revolutionary water extraction system. The HydoX "extracts twice the water in half the time!" It even extracts the water from the pad, so we don't have to tear up your existing carpet.

What a lifesaver.