Turning Over A New Belief • Nancy Burns, M.A., M.F.T. (MFC 30316) • 707-874-2461 • Email

The 3 Steps To Success

Are you feeling isolated, alone, not appreciated?

Would you like to enjoy close relationships?

Is your mind or body getting your attention in negative ways - through aches, pains and illness?

It’s time to take action.

Like most people, you may know what you don’t want and what’s not going well in our life. It is those things you find yourself complaining about aloud or silently.

If your life feels stuck, or you’re just not living up to your full potential, there’s a good chance you are having a conflict between your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs. All the memories and beliefs from your past are stored in the subconscious mind.  You may not even be aware of them! They are unconsciously guiding your behaviors in ways that sabotage what it is you are really wanting.

Powerful healing tools like PSYCH-K® provide a variety of ways to identify and realize what it is YOU DO WANT, and assists you in getting there as quickly as possible. As your perceptions shift, you are able to act in ways that attract and create what you really want in life. By getting at the root cause, the changes created are lasting and complete.


The 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS works directly with the subconscious mind. When the subconscious beliefs are in alignment with the conscious desires, success is readily available.


Most people know what isn’t working in their lives and focus on that. The law of attraction says we attract to ourselves what we believe. Communicate your desire to the subconscious mind as already having it.  One of the ways to communicate with the subconscious mind is through the senses. What would you see, hear, feel, etc. being in this relationship. Make it as vivid as possible. Sometimes this step alone can be enough to open the door to manifest what you’re wanting.


Step 2 creates the potential for change by removing internal interference and brings your subconscious into alliance with your conscious goal by addressing limiting beliefs that sabotage what you are wanting. One of the techniques I use with my clients is called PSYCH-K®. We communicate directly with the subconscious mind using muscle testing and energy balances to eliminate interference of negative beliefs.  A weak muscle test lets us know the subconscious mind does not believe it.  An internal action is needed to clear the way.


Make a plan of action for change. PSYCH-K® assists you in making the changes you need to be successful.

There is a zen koan of a spiritual master and his disciple. They were on a pilgrimage in India and came across a woman sitting at the edge of a river. When they approached, she beseeched them to help her across the river, too high for her to cross, so she could get back home and feed her children. The disciple said, “we are monks and cannot touch a woman”. The woman was in great despair over her demise. The master said, “climb on my back”. He proceeded to carry her safely to the other side of the river and put her down. The two monks continued their journey up the other side of the mountain. The disciple in disbelief of what his master had done, relentlessly questioned him about having touched a woman. Finally, the master stopped, looked his disciple in the eye and said, “the difference between you and me is that I put her down when we crossed the river, but you, you are still carrying her”.

What are you still carrying around that is no longer serving you? Something may have happened a long time ago and you made a decision at that time about life. Those decisions are stored in the subconscious memory as beliefs and running your life.

If you are tired of complaining about what you are complaining about, PSYCH-K®  is a quick and easy technique to eliminate interference. PSYCH-K® helps you get what you want.


2012-03-07 18:16

Turning Over A New Belief • Nancy Burns, M.A., M.F.T. (MFC 30316) • 707-874-2461 • Email • All Rights Reserved © 2008


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